Yunnan Menghai, China | 2003
This is our new bestseller which is surprisingly appreciated not only by puerh tea lovers, but also by the new tea comers and even coffee lovers. A handful of strong Banzhang material is blended in, presenting a pleasant bitter note to the rich, clean and velvety texture of this tea. Trust me, I converted so many puerh tea haters to addicts with this one!!
29,00 €
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Yunnan Annning, China | 1993
This taiwan-storaged super well aged Shu is a definte must item for puerh tea lovers. A sweet yet medicinal notes are well blended into its thick texture, even reminding of some well aged Sheng Puerh. Only limited amount is available!!
19,90 €
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Yunnan Menghai, China | 2007
17,00 €
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Yunnan, China | 2006
10,50 €
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Yunnan Dali, China | 1998
Very clean and refreshing taste. Amazingly clean actually, and deeply rich. A hint of a touch of a woody camphor (in a shou?!) like a precious elixir.
24,00 €
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Yunnan Menghai, China 2003
26,00 €
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Yunnan Haiwan, China 2008
18,00 €
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Maillingerstraße 14
(Eingang Blutenburgstraße)
80636 München
Tel. 089 / 5506 9988
Di. 11:00 – 18:00
Mi. 11:00 - 18:00
Do. 11:00 – 18:00
Fr. 10:30 – 16:00
Sa. 11:00 – 17:00
So. & Mo. geschlossen
Laifufu Sommer Ferien 28.08.2024~30.08.2024
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